Loyalty bible for customer performance

In a loyalty strategy as power to reboost the sales we must be aware to the different stages to be succedeed.


All the statement in a company should be alert to identify the customers, leads, and potential customers anytime, anywhere. Identify not means to recognise by name, phone and email but We must go far, identify in terms of needs, demads to make a right priorization of the customer profile based on profitability, opportunities present and future, impact as apóstol and referral. Be able to detect the potential in present time and also the potential in future expectation.

We must be able to créate this quadrant of specification valued customers.


Be able to make all the visible gudgets, tools online and offline atractive enough and nearby. Think in terms of solutions for customers and not product for my profits to catch customers. The process to attract customers must Flow (be wáter my friend) and not be aggresive in terms of cut off offers or incentives to make one shots.


More than have a right balance between quality and Price, commitment in deliveries, Customer service efficient; satisfaction is guarranteed not for these purposes, but we must delight the customer in the relationship, exceed expectations. If you only do what you are hired for, you will only be good, but not excellent. The excellence exceeds any of the expectations set for quality and service. We must move in this dimension if we want to have satisfaction ratios (NPS, CEM) that exceed expectations. Provoke Yes, Force No


Keep the eye on the customer. Be alert to their movements. Pay attention to the different levels of commitment derived into sales, purchase intention, frequency and monetary value per purchase. The cyclical movement of customers must be fixed according to different levels or segments where the customers comes and goes.


Be power with the relationship not with the customer. What make viable a customer is the kind of relationship that you’re able to feed. You need time to discover the customer, you need time to get confidence. Loyalty is not a one shot appointment but is a natural state in heart and soul.
It is permissible to fail, but only if we are able to react quickly and sincerely. Quick at the click of a button and sincere as our core values ​​propose.